Pixel Parlor collaborated with Laurel House, a non-profit organization dedicated to ending domestic violence in every life, home, and community, to create a branded environment, wayfinding and donor recognition wall for their newly renovated facility in Lansdale, PA. One of the standout features of the new facility is the colorful donor wall, which celebrates the generosity of donors by showcasing their names on laurel flower blossom-shaped plaques. Behind each of these graphics is a wall adorned with custom-illustrated graphics that extend throughout the facility to create a cohesive, serene, and calming environment for patrons.
In addition to the donor wall, Pixel Parlor designed new signage and wayfinding elements to make it easy for visitors to navigate the facility. These elements also provided an opportunity for Laurel House to recognize donors for their support in building the space, further highlighting their contributions to the organization’s mission. Overall, the collaboration between Pixel Parlor and Laurel House resulted in a welcoming space that calls attention to the generous support that sustains the organization’s important work.